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Share Power App or Flow after someone leaves – The Easy Way

We all have that situation, where someone leaves the business, and a Power App or Flow is under their user. They may have additional co-owners already but it’s not you and suddenly there is a business-critical issue and you need to resolve it. Or someone needs to use the app, but it’s not been shared with them, and all the other co-owners are out of the business today.

You then need to run some PowerShell or use some other method to get these apps & flows assigned to you, so you can add share them. Some organisations don’t let you run PowerShell and potentially block other methods like connectors in Power Automate, so what can you do? – My favourite shortcut to the Power Platform Admin Center. This is the place for all the admin tasks, but there is a hidden feature not many people know about, which is that you can see all flows and apps in the environment and share them with yourself from there.

Head to the Admin Center and open up one of your environments.

Then, go to the resources section in the bottom right and click on Power Apps (or flows, depending on your situation).

Find the Power App you want to share, click the ellipsis (3 dots) and click Share.

You will now find the usual sharing side pane, so you can search for yourself or another user you want to share the app with. Find yourself, mark as Co-owner, and hit share.

This can only be performed in this specific place. If you try to share an app you are not the owner of in the regular way, your share button will be grey’d out as you are not the owner. Going via this route, allows you elevated permissions, as if you were running the PowerShell scripts.

I’m finally writing this down so I can remember the next time this happens to me. 😅

Ciao for now!


Matt Collins-Jones Blog by Matt. ©2025

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