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D365 Community Appreciation

I’ve seen a few tweets of admiration, appreciation and inspiration for the Dynamics/PowerPlatform community the last couple of days so I wanted to write a blog post talking about some of the people I’ve met over the last few years, some people I look up to and some people who I think are generally awesome! I always say how amazing the D365 community is and now that the technology is evolving, we are getting bigger and bigger. Everyone is so happy to help out anyone having issues or needing advice and pretty welcoming even if you question is beginner level or expert level. Anyway, let’s get to it.

Iain Connolly

I’ve known Iain for a few years, we both started at TSG, the company I currently work for, at the same time and we instantly clicked. Iain has a wealth of knowledge about Dynamics including PowerBi and Field service as well as technology in general. Iain and I used to talk through all sorts of issues and I found him to great sounding board and source of advice. Before I met Iain, I hadn’t even heard of PowerBi. Although Iain has since moved on to pastures new, we still talk about Dynamics and other things. He has a great beard too #beardenvy #icantgrowabeard

Megan V Walker

Megan is someone I first heard about earlier this year, with her now infamous, Emoji’s in D365 blog post. Yes, you can put emoji’s in dynamics! And yes, that was my reaction too! Since then, I’ve read many of Megan's blog posts on a wide variety of subjects. Megan is not a developer, so all her posts are from a perspective I find really easy to understand. I got the opportunity to hear Megan speak at the CRMUG in Manchester earlier this year and he talk was a smash hit with everyone, myself included. Megan and her blog, are one of the inspirations for this blog, she reminded me that we can all make a difference, help each other and show different ways to tackle a problem.

Joe Griffin

Joe is someone I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know by being on the CRMUG NW committee with him. Not only is he down to earth, but he is super knowledgeable and supportive. Joe has been blogging for years so there is quite a backlog if you ever wanted to learn a lot (I’ll admit I haven’t gone back and read it all...yet). I actually found an article he wrote a year or so ago when I was looking for information on dual use rights for using CRM on premise as well as online at the same time.

Sarah Critchley

Sarah is a fantastic speaker, blogger, author and lover of cats. I’ve heard Sarah speak at a number of CRMUG events and at Summit EMEA in Dublin earlier this year and i’m totally in awe of this woman. Sarah seems to live life at a million miles an hour, does everything, has an incredible mind for technology and exudes confidence. Sarah is one of my inspirations and one of the reasons I’m trying to get more and more involved in the CRMUG and hoping to speak at upcoming events.

Neil Parkhurst

Neil Parkhurst is a Legend when it comes to D365 and exams. Nearly every forum post, talk or if anyone even mentions revision for a D365 exam, they also mention Neil and his Blog. Neil creates blog posts about his revision journey when he is preparing for exams, breaking down each objective and sharing his thoughts about might be on an exam. Just recently he has started his revision for MB2-719 Marketing exam and it’s tempting me to go take the exam. A lot of the time, when I read his blog posts, I discover something new, something I don’t know. And isn’t that what it’s all about, learning new things, growing your knowledge and becoming better.

Scott Durrow

What can be said about Scott which hasn’t already been said? I’m sure nearly everyone has at least heard of the Ribbon Workbench if they haven’t used it, and Scott is one of the most knowledgeable people I’ve ever met. I’ve seen Scott speak a few times but I got the opportunity to meet and talk to him at Summit EMEA earlier this year. You know when they say you shouldn’t meet your idols, they are wrong. Scott was brilliant, friendly and happy to chat even though he’s one of the most recognisable and in demand people. I introduced him to a couple of developer friends I was at the conference with and they were talking though an issue they were trying to work out. Suddenly Scott jumps in, provides a solution, talks it though and it’s like someone ignited a fire under these guys. They thanked Scott and took that solution home to work on it. But that’s the kind of guy he is, someone willing to help.

Chris Huntingford

Chris is one of the most energetic, fun, crazy, smart, helpful people I’ve ever met. I first heard of Chris, through Iain Connolly (callback), when he sent me the link to watch Those Dynamics Guys first podcast. 3 guys in a tiki looking hut, chatting about Dynamics and they turned that into an entire community. Chris is the kind of guy who will speak to anyone about anything. Chris is like a hurricane, he comes into any situation, swirls round everything and makes a lasting a good way. If you are ever at an event with Chris, I encourage you to just speak to him about anything, grab a beer or hear him talk.

Elaiza Benitez

I think it was Chris Huntingford (callback again) who shared a video of Elaiza’s WTF what the Flow youtube series. Flow is a technology, along with PowerApps, that I’d picked up a few times and quickly ran away from. Watching her video explaining some of the basics triggered a breakthrough in me. I went from feeling overwhelmed with this new technology to me e experimenting with it and really finding out what it can do. Sometimes that’s what you need, a little push or someone to show you it’s not as scary as you think. Also, out of everyone on this list, Elaiza’s the only person I’ve not met, but seeing as i’m in the UK and she in in Australia, it’s not too surprising.

This is just a short list of amazing, fantastic and all round awesome community members who have inspired me. There are of course, hundreds more and this community is the best I’ve ever found. I think it’s great to celebrate anyone and everyone who you look up to, who has helped you along the way and who are just incredible. Keep on being Rockstars!!!

Ciao for now!

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